Hello! Welcome to my website! This is my website for my Y2Sem1 EP1000 Digital Fabrication and Prototyping Fundamentals(DFab). This homepage is simply for navigation purposes and is not an informative page in any way. Any updates on my progress is properly categorized in the sections it belongs to. E.g. Updates on Web Development will be listed in the Web Development section; Updates on 3D printing will be in the 3D printing & Scanning section; etc. To navigate to any section, simply click on the desired section listed on the left.
For more information on each section:
'Home' will be the current page you're looking at.
'About' will be about me.
'Project Management' will be about what project management is and how I personally manage my projects.
'Web Development' will be about the development of this website, from how it started out, to the final website.
'Computer Aided design' will be about my ideation, how I got inspiration for my design as well as my sketches and final design.
'3D Printing & Scanning' will be about my 3D design and my modelling process for 3D Printing.
'Computer Controlled Cutting' will be also be about my 3D Design and modelling process, but for Lazer Cutting instead of 3D Printing.
'Embedded Programming w/ Arduino' will be about electronic programming, and my process on programming.
'Final Project' will be about my progress in the final assignment for this module, from project management to the final 1-min video.